The Cavalier
By: Crystal April R. Valencia
November 11 a noted date for Taalenos. This date is big event for a religious activity celebrated by the town. 4:00 am in the morning the town is banged with a marching band roaming around the Taal town proper itself. 4:30 AM mass starts the celebration, followed by the 7:30 AM Mass and the High Mass of The Con-celebrated Mass at 9:30 AM. After the con – celebrated mass it became a tradition in Taal organized by Mr. Michael Villano a parade of St. Martin of Tours “The Cavalier” followed by horses, starting at the Taal Social Plaza going to the church down going to the National road for the Horse Race.
At 4:30 PM, another con – celebrated Mass is being done followed by the Grand Procession of The Patron St. of Taal St. Martin of Tours. A procession (French procession via Middle English, derived from Latin, processio, from procedere, to go forth, advance, proceed) is an organized body of people walking in a formal or ceremonial manner. It is also a way of Taalenos showing their faith and devotion for their patron saint, it is also their way of thanking St. Martin of Tours for the blessings and everything.
After the sacred procession is done, a fireworks display is being done sponsored by the “HERMANO/HERMANA” of the Feast Day of St. Martin of Tours. (Hon. Mayor Michael Montenegro) together with his family is the sponsor of this year’s Feast Day of St. Martin of Tours.